My Location


14041 Burnhaven Dr #107 Burnsville, MN 55306

You can make an appointment by contacting me at 612-548-4325 with a text or call, email me at or use the scheduler on the appointments page.

My office is located in a building that is all main level, but not with handicapped enabled doors. If upon arrival you need assistance with the exterior door, please call or text me and I’ll come out as soon as I am able to open them for you.

Please plan an average of 75-90 minutes for your visit. I do my very best to stay on time because I understand that we all have places to be. If I am a few minutes behind, please give me a little grace because my average client travels 45+ minutes to see me and I work diligently to address everything I can with each person.

What to Bring

If this is your initial visit, please download these client forms and bring them completed to your first session. I will have blank copies on hand if you are unable to complete them before arrival. If you have questions about what to do in preparation for our first visit, please go to the FAQ page on my site for information on what to wear or bring.


My fee of $175 is due at the time of your visit and is payable by debit, credit or HSA card. I offer a $10 discount ($165) for clients who pay by cash or checks made to Balanced In Gravity.

what to wear

Most clients prefer to wear either conservative undergarments (briefs or boxer briefs underwear for men or bra and underwear for women) or fitted athletic attire (basketball shorts and a t-shirt or yoga shorts or crops and a tank) for their session.

Minors will need to be in shorts and a tank/tee, but please no jeans or sweatshirts.